Shallots, garlic, and white wine make the perfect broth for steamed mussels. Serve the mussels in a big bowl with bread on the side so you can sop up all...
Extra easy baked ziti made entirely from scratch! Our favorite baked ziti recipe is creamy and cheesy with a mixture of pasta, a five minute homemade sauce...
This Portuguese beef stew (molha de carne) takes me back to my youth. It tastes so good and makes the house smell amazing. Be careful, you might not be...
Baked Garlic Parmesan Pork Chops is one of those everyone-should-know-how-to-make recipes and somehow still rivals a restaurant-quality meal. It's easy,...
1. Cook pasta according to package directions for al dente results. 2. While pasta cooks, prepare sauce. 3. Combine Greek yogurt with pesto. 4. When pasta...
This is a traditional Middle Eastern dish that I read about and had to try. It works great for Friday night and even for leftovers. It does take a bit...
These veggie burritos are easy and taste incredible. We love these with the addition of spicy cauliflower, which adds some extra heartiness, but the burritos...
Mix all the ingredients or the filling and set aside. If you use vine leaves/grape leaves, the small jar is the right size for this amount of filling....
Fragrant, hard spices and green olives are a savory combination. Blanching olives softens the flavor and takes out some of the brininess, but leaves the...
Coat chicken in balsamic vinegar, then olive oil. Season chicken with rosemary, salt and pepper and let stand 10 minutes. Heat a medium nonstick skillet...
Lasagna does not need meat to be a complete and filling dinner and you can assemble everything ahead of time and just bake it up fresh or reheat, it even...